A place where Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas, Plans, and Opinons. Hopefully; turn into Inspiration, Motivation, Empathy, Understanding, and Wisdom

Monday, December 3, 2007

I guess it stops here. Feeling sad and full of pity. I have nobody to blame for wanting more simple because I expect everyone to be like me. The post was confusing it came from untamed emotions, not clear or define just emotions running rapid. I cant think clear or speak clear when I have all these crazy thoughts and notions forming in my head. I never used to be like this. The last time I did a bit of soul searching I truly like the person I was becoming, and now what has become of me? Sadness is like a growth- growing and growing. I share my world with very special people. Admiration and dedication is unmeasured when you truly love someone. But I'm not sure its a bad thing either to expect a little consideration when you offer up your time and energy so generously. However I do believe it to be poor judgement on my part to make a statement so harsh proclaiming "enough is enough" when we just begun.


Anonymous said...

that's backsteppin'damage control, girlfriend...hopin' you can learn to love yourself..cuz God loves you immensely!

Anonymous said...

It's difficult to live with someone..that's a testimony to changing times because in the past families would share living spaces and maintain a sincere functionality. Not sure the gender of your partner but that matters in the least because you need to establish better communication so that they will feel your true emotions and quite possibly will begin a process to recify their behaviors in order to please you or at the very least start to recognize they have helped in making you feel sad a full of pity. Once you establish recognition, healing could begin. Good Luck, Merry Christams and A Happy New Year!!